Static Series Mk4 Headband Assembly

  • The parts used in the instructions are for early production units. But the assembly process for later better versions the same.

    All the parts used for the two earcups. I recommend also having needle nose tweezers and some pliers. Only 6 pieces, 2 drivers, 2 sockets, 20 M2x8mm screws and 20 M2 nuts.

  • Start with the main body and 4 nuts.

  • Put the nuts in the main body.

  • Bring out the main body and the pad mount and 4 screws.

  • Put the pad mount and the main body so the screw holes match up.

  • Screw in the 4 screws

  • Insert the 3.5mm socket.

  • Screw in the nut holding in the socket.

  • Screw in the socket nut and tighten it with the pliers.

  • Insert the nuts in the sides. If the screw holes are blocked off due to the 3D printing, simply use the needle nose pliers to poke a hole.

  • Connect the driver to the socket.

  • Place the driver in the socket.

  • Just put the driver holder over the driver. It should fit snugly over the driver. Then start screwing in the driver.

  • New 3.5mm sockets are typically quite stiff, so it is recommended to use something like a 6.35mm to 3.5mm adapter to loosen the hole. Just stick it in once and pull it back out and you're done!

  • Now repeat the process. I recommend that you test out the "headphones" now before assembling the entire thing so that you know that everything is functional.

  • Insert 4 nuts on the 4 outer nut holders.

  • Grab the shell.

  • Put together the outer shell and the main body. It should fit quite snug.

  • Screw in the shell via the 4 screw holes on the sides. Don't worry about the nuts falling out, I've made it so that once you put the shell on, the nuts will not fall out.

  • Now to add the earpads.

  • Start by adding the earpads halfway.

  • Use your thumb to push the earpads onto the pad mount. The earpads should not break and are made to stretch to fit on an HM5 sized pad hanger.

  • And now you're done with the earcups!